Wednesday, December 8, 2010

thanksgiving, a little late.

baby's first thanksgiving.

being away from family and friends on holidays are hard.
so make new friends, make new family.

his first mashed potatoes (:

me and hyejin!
although it wasn't our first thanksgiving together... it was my first thanksgiving acutally cooking something. i cooked SOO much food. a turkey, potato salad, sweet potato casserole, chicken and dumplins', deviled eggs, and dressing. yummy!

we spent our thanksgiving with 16 other friends...
we are truly blessed to have so many people to spend our holidays with.


my turkey's the one on the left (: it was yummy!

tj and bullock.

thank you everyone for making this thanksgiving a very memorable one.

boo, snow.

eww... woke up today and the ground was covered in snow. thats kind of a downer... i hate snow! i used to love it when i lived somewhere that it didn't happen... so today is going to be a boring day sitting at home... which isn't such a bad thing. it does get really old sitting at home all the time though. tj never wants to get out of the house on the weekends. but i guess i don't really blame him. he's at work all week and when he's at home he gets to relax. i'm hoping to go to the gym again tonight.. getting back in shape is a very high priority for me right now. i'd love my pre-wyatt body back! me, cassie, and dana have made a routine of going to the gym. working out is good for us and it also gives us a little break from the kiddos and from the house... i am so blessed to have such good friends here. i don't know what i would do without them... they have become my family. all the ladies are like my sisters. they've all been here for me in different ways... at different times... but i know my life wouldn't be the same without them. having a good support system here makes things a lot easier. you know you always have someone to call if you need anything. i am really going to miss all the new people that i have met on this journey in korea... and i am hoping to stay friends with them. anywho... wyatts awake now, so i am going to play mommy... ahh, he makes me so happy (:

catching up.

as i'm writing my first blog... i'm sitting here watching my perfect little boy sleep peacefully and cuddling with my puppy. tj's on CQ, and i'm getting some alone time. my life has changed so much in the past 3 years. i got married in 2008, moved to korea in 2009, and had a little boy in 2010. i never really get to talk much about how i really feel about my life... so writing this blog should be very refreshing for me. i get to vent or just talk about how happy i am. its a new way to record this wonderful journey of life... so here's my story so far...

me and tj have been together since December 3, 2006.. he's truly the love of my life. and i couldn't imagine my life without him. i know it sounds cheesy... but its true. he's never left my side and i know he never will. he supports me in everything that i do. (except for the tattoo i got without his 'permission')...but thats a whole other story. he proposed to me on august 6th, 2008... 30 minutes before he left for basic training! hahah, its okay though. i got to plan our perfect wedding. me and my mom went through hell planning that wedding. but in the end i got exactly what i wanted... tj as my husband. we got married on December 27, 2008 at The Red Bank Gallery. i was so scared i was going to fall down the stairs... so i wore my old navy black flip flops. stylish! not to my knowledge... everyone below me could see them as i was walking down the stairs. i was wondering why everyone was giggling! i had the perfect dress and the perfect man. what more could a girl ask for...?
--i am so thankful for you tj, you will honestly never know how thankful. you've given me so much... a beautiful life and a beautiful son. i never thought in a million years i would live half a world away from my family and friends in our little hometown. but for you i will do anything. i am so proud of you, i love you...

south korea... what an experience it has been. from the food to the people. its all a bit overwhelming at times. i've had to take a step back and just breathe quite a bit. when tj first found out his first duty station was going to be here i had no idea what was in store for us. would he go by himself? what would i do for a whole year without him? thankfully the army pulled through on this one... and brought me over here with him. i was so excited to finally get to live with my husband in our own house! when i arrived in korea... i was kind of shocked. i couldn't read anything. i couldn't understand anyone. and i had no idea what kind of life i was going to have living in a foreign country. definately a culture shock for me. and when i first got in country... i hated it. i hated being alone all of the time. and i hated the fact that i couldn't communicate with the koreans.. but now that i am settled in and i've been here for a year and a half... i love it. its like living in our own little bubble... and for the most part its very peaceful where we live. i love not having to worry about being safe. korea is the safest place i have ever been. they have pretty much all the same food here as they do in the states... it does taste different though. but korean food is yummy! and so is phillipino food! i had never eaten either of them until i came here. and now chicken tocino is my favorite! i'm definately going to miss living here when we leave in april.. i'll miss almost everything... everything except for the crazy drivers and the lack of personal space! they drive like maniacs over here. but they all do it very well. the entire time i have been here i haven't seen one car accident. so i'm guessing they've got it under control.. and there are so many people in such a little place here. most koreans just run right into you and think nothing of it. it was really annoying when i first got here, and it was even worse when i was pregnant. but now i'm used to it. its just a normal part of their culture...

 my little boy... goodness there are no words to describe the feeling of being a mommy. its the greatest joy i have ever felt. wyatt makes my heart complete. i wake up every morning to a beautiful, smiling son...
i discovered i was pregnant on january 22, 2010. i was elated. i had never been so excited in my entire life! the day i found out... i wasn't able to tell tj. he was away in the field and i wanted to tell him in person. so i had to wait an entire week to tell him! when he came home, i had a little present sitting on the kitchen table full of baby stuff. he was so confused. until he opened the card that said 'Welcome home Daddy, we hope you like your present <3'.... he then got it. he didn't know what to think! we were both in such shock. we were going to be parents! but oh my goodness... being pregnant was the worst thing me and tj had ever experienced! yes... i said both of us. i never thought my pregnancy would end. it was the worst experience of my life! i was SO moody! obviously that just comes with pregnancy, but to us it was horrible! i went into pre-mature labor 2 times. real contractions, real pain... and no baby... and even with all the pain i suffered. and all the tears i shed... i would do it ALL over again a billion times, just for him. he's my little ball of sunshine (: i am a happier person because of him. he has turned my world around. i am so thankful to have him. every smile brightens my day....
--he is 2.5 months old now. he will be 3 months on december 22nd. this time has flown by. he sat up all by himself today. with just a little support from me.. i almost cried. his aunt cassie and dana were there to see it (: and bella too! he's getting sooo big. he weighed 16 lbs, 13 oz at his 2 month check up. and he was 24.5 inches long. oh goodness... now i know how my momma felt... he is growing up too fast.